The Rix Family Alliance was formed in 1979 by the mutual agreement of four families. 

The object is to promote and maintain an interest  in the history of the Rix families through research, discussion and friendly co-operation.  

The search for ancestors is an interesting, educational and worthwhile persuit and it is hoped that anyone interested will share their family history with the Rix Alliance. The aim is now to bring family trees together where we can. One avenue where this is working well is through  the DNA project which is run by Trevor Rix.

When the Rix Alliance started a quarterly journal was produced until 1990,  reducing to  a twice yearly  copy until 2011.

Back issues are available in PDF.  They do  provide a rich source of research  that  was completed over the years  by many  members.

Some copies are also available to  read on the website.  


to the

Rix Family History Society

for everyone who has an interest in the name Rix and variant spellings.

We would love you to share your family history and maybe join us.

Each year there is an Open day for all who are interested in their Rix ancestors. Normally details of the event would be on here now so people could organise and plan their journey /visit.  But given the current situation we have decided  to cancel for this year. 

Research is very interesting and we learn a lot about our ancestors and how they lived. There is a page to share your story of where your ancestors started; where they moved to; how you got started with your research; how your research unfolded into a historical story.

If you find you don't have time to do the story please let us know if you have Rix ancestors, and who they were, so that we may add their details to our database.

Check out the updates on the DNA project page by Trevor Rix.

Rix Ricks Rex Y-DNA Study


GOONS   Member of Guild of One-Name Studies

FFHS  Member of the Federation of Family History Societies

FFHS 'Our Really Useful Australasian Information Leaflet